The BCMEA and ILWU resumed meeting @ 12:00 pm Wednesday, May 29. The Canadian Government has flown in a negotiator from the Ministry of Labour to negotiate an agreement. If there is no agreement/resolution the soonest the government can intervene with back to work legislation is at the end of the week.
May 29 Status of Vancouver Port Terminals
GCT Deltaport & Vanterm
- Please note that GCT Deltaport and GCT Vanterm day shift (08:00-15:59) truck gates will be closed on May 30.
- Terminal Gate Efficiency Fees (TGEF) will be waived for cancelled (unused) appointments on May 30.
DP World Centerm
- The Vancouver terminal will be closed as of 8:00am PST, May 30, 2019
- All day shift appointments for May 30 have been cancelled. All cancelled appointments will be waived/vouchered.
- All Thursday night shift, Friday appointments and onwards are still active at this point, a further update will to follow after 12:00 pm PST May 30.
Fraser Surrey Dock
- Effective May 30, 2019, the Container Gate at FSD will be closed. All reservations for the dayshift will be cancelled
As the news is ongoing- please contact for further updates.