Of the estimated 125 container ships waiting off North American ports in early July, 64% were waiting off East and Gulf coasts, with only 36% off the West coast. That represents an estimated $40 billion in cargo, waiting an average of 8-10 days to dock on the West coast, and 11-13 days to dock on the East and Gulf coasts.
The big news in late 2021 and early 2022 was the massive backlogs at the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports. At the peak on January 9th, there were 109 ships waiting. As of July 8th, it was down to 24 container ships waiting to berth, although this number is still slightly higher than July 2021.
1. Containers flood into U.S. ports at record levels, Inside Logistics, July 20, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2022.
2. There’s still over $40B in cargo on container ships waiting offshore, American Shipper, July 8, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2022.