Predictions for Trucking Inventory and Rates in 2022

coracle News

North American shippers will see some relief once the busy 2021 holiday season ends, but not as much as past years. 2022 will see consumer spending drop, especially as government rent relief and fiscal stimulus are reduced or removed. But retailers and manufacturers will be working on replenishing record-low inventory levels back to normal. While transportation capacity is expected to be more readily available in 2022, there will be enough freight demand to keep prices higher than past years.1

At Canaan Group, we have our own trucking fleet in Canada, which allows us the infrastructure to provide steady service to our clients. With over 40 years in the business, we’ve developed trusted trucking partners to assist when needed.

1. Little relief seen for US domestic shippers in 2022, Journal of Commerce, Oct 13, 2021, Accessed Oct 18, 2021.